Know.First aid course


"Put the mask on yourself first, then help your neighbor." A simple rule that can save at least two lives. 
Every Ukrainian should know the rules of first aid and be able to apply them in practice. Unfortunately, prior to the war, people were not prepared for the fact that at any moment they might need to save themselves or someone close to them.
Through this course, you can learn how to provide first aid and master the skills of tactical medicine. 

The course covers the following topics: 

    Safety of the medic and those around him/her
    First aid sequence
    Pain relief
    Bleeding control 
    Traumatic shock checklist 
    Traumatic amputations of limbs
    Prolonged compression syndrome 
    Bandages application
    Occlusive bandages
    Keeping the patient conscious
    Artificial lung ventilation and cardiac massage 
    Actions in case of hysterical states 
    Evacuation of the wounded
    Anti-chemical defense
    How to provide assistance if a person is lying on the ground after an explosion 
    Clinical and biological death